Employee engagement
Research has shown that an engaged workforce does not only perform better, but is committed to the company. First we will examine the levels of employee engagement, then we create a strategy that will foster the development a deeper, personal and emotional connection between the organization and the people in it.
Leadership strategy
Competent leadership starts with going backstage: understand the forces that make your coworkers tick, the values and norms that influence their work practices and decisions. Once you understand old habits and "how things are done around here...", then you can change them and develop a strategy that will not only increase effectiveness, but will make people happy and satisfied with their jobs!
Communication strategy
If people communicate effectively, both interpersonally -for example in work teams - or formally as a way of strategic internal communication, they will be able to understand the goals of the company better, they will be more satisfied with their jobs and less likely to burn out. Let's get under the skin of everyday communication practices in your company and expose what is done well and where is new strategy needed.
Change management
People instinctively resist change, and bad communication can make their fear even worse. If you understand the power of language and learn to use it the right way to communicate change, you can reduce the fear of unknown and establish an efficient organisational culture for sustainable success.
Public Relations and Brand Communication
Social Media has been a "game-changer" in corporate communications: customers now are ready and keen to interact with companies. But employees are only able to communicate effectively with customers if they understand and share the organization's vision and values! If we work together, we can find ways to create your own employee ambassadors and develop a consistent, coherent tone-of-voice for your brand.